In the respective Education and Teaching Establishments.
Only for children who are attending Pre-School Education for the first time and students in the 1st Year of Schooling.
All students will adhere to the timetable established for their respective class.
- Classes -
- Meetings with parents and guardians -
Advice for parents and guardians with children starting Pre-School Education
Parents and guardians who wish to enroll their children in the Family Support Component (lunch service and extended hours) and who have not yet done so, must, as soon as possible, register them with the municipal services.
All information, as well as the respective regulations and information about the Municipality's service points are available on the Mafra Municipal Council website, at
Mafra Basic School at the following times:
9:00 am - 5th A, 5th B, 5th C, 5th D, 5th E
15h00 - 5ºF, 5ºG, 5ºH, 5ºI, 5ºJ
Parents and guardians will be able to accompany students.
All students will adhere to the timetable established for their respective class.
- Classes and Schedules -
- Meetings with parents and guardians -
To be made available soon.
- Student Card -
The student card will be given to each student by the respective Class Director.
- Meal booking -
See the page "
All rights reserved | Mafra School Group
Last updated: July 26, 2024