Pre-School Education is the first stage of basic education in the process of lifelong education, being complementary to the educational action of the family, with which it must establish close cooperation, favoring the formation and balanced development of the child, taking into account their full integration into society as an autonomous, free and supportive being.
The development of the curriculum in Pre-School Education takes as reference the
Curriculum Guidelines for Pre-School Education which constitute a set of general pedagogical and organizational principles to support the kindergarten teacher in conducting the educational process to be developed with children.
Being a common reference for all early childhood educators, this document is not intended to be a program, because being general and comprehensive it includes the possibility for the educator to justify different educational options.
For more information see the
from the General Directorate of Education (DGE)...
Click here
Guide to Learning in Pre-School Education in the Mafra School Group
Basic Education aims to ensure general training common to all students, providing the acquisition of basic knowledge that allows them to continue their studies.
The development of Basic Education curricula is based on the guiding principles of the organization and management of curricula, the assessment of the knowledge to be acquired and the skills to be developed by students, applying to the different curricular offerings of Basic Education.
For more information about the different existing curricula for Basic Education, see the
site from the General Directorate of Education (DGE)...
Click here.
Essential Learnings
The component of the curricular framework called Essential Learning expresses the triad of elements (knowledge, skills and attitudes) throughout the curricular progression.
Profile of Students Leaving Compulsory Schooling
The Profile of Students Leaving Compulsory Schooling, approved by Order no. 6478/2017, July 26, is established as a reference for decisions to be adopted by decision-makers and educational actors at the level of education and teaching establishments and bodies responsible for educational policies, constituting a common matrix for all schools and educational offers within the scope of compulsory education, particularly at the curricular level, in planning, carrying out and internal and external evaluation of teaching and learning.
Autonomy and Curricular Flexibility
Decree-Law No. 55/2018, of July 6th, which defines the principles of organization of the basic and secondary education curriculum, as well as Decree-Law No. 54/2018, of July 6th, which establishes the legal regime for Inclusive Education, define a set of actions that converge towards the development of quality learning and that are effective responses to the needs of all students.
All rights reserved | Mafra School Group
Last updated: July 26, 2024