1st Cycle of Basic Education
2nd and 3rd Cycles of Basic Education
Under current legislation, all students of
2nd and 3rd Cycles of Basic Education
free access to school manuals from the public network of the Ministry of Education.
Each student is entitled to a single copy of the adopted manuals, per subject and per academic year, whenever possible by reusing textbooks collected in the previous academic year in the same school or in any other school in the group that has adopted it.
Parents are responsible for any loss or deterioration of the manual received, except for wear resulting from normal, prudent and appropriate use, given the type of use and discipline for which they were designed, the condition in which it was received by the student, age of the student and other subjective and objective circumstances that make this responsibility unenforceable.
Therefore, guardians of students in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Cycles of Basic Education who wish to benefit from the free availability of textbooks for their students must register on the platform.
, in
The MEGA platform operates the distribution of free school textbooks through the issuance of vouchers.
Each voucher will have the corresponding manual indicated - with an indication for collection at the bookstore if it is a new manual, or at the school if we are considering a reused one. Each voucher includes a unique code, which can be used only once.
At the end of the school year,
school manuals made available free of charge through the MEGA platform
They must all be returned in order to promote the reuse of the same. In this sense, books must be delivered in good condition. Good condition is considered to be that which results from normal use of the school manual.
If the student fails to return textbooks in good condition, the expected penalty may consist of the full value of the manual being returned to the educational establishment, or if the value of the textbook is not refunded, the student will be prevented from receiving the manual. free for the following year.
For more information you can always consult the
Manual to Support the Reuse of School Textbooks, approved by Order No. 921/2019, of January 24th.
All rights reserved | Mafra School Group
Last updated: July 26, 2024