Order no. 2053/2021, of February 24- Makes the second amendment to Order No. 779/2019, of January 18, which defines the priorities for continuous training of teachers, as well as the training that is considered to fall within the scientific and pedagogical dimension.
Regulatory Decree No. 26/2012, of February 21st- Regulates the system for evaluating the performance of teaching staff in pre-school education and basic and secondary education and revokes Regulatory Decree no. 2/2010, of 23 June.
Order No. 12567/2012, of September 26th- Establishes the universes and criteria for determining the percentiles relating to the attribution of qualitative mentions to teachers integrated into the career.
Order No. 13981/2012, of October 26th- Establishes national parameters for the external evaluation of the scientific and pedagogical dimension to be carried out within the scope of the evaluation of teaching performance.
Normative Order No. 24/2012, of October 26th- Regulates the process of constitution and operation of the pool of external evaluators, with a view to external evaluation of the scientific and pedagogical dimension.