
The Department of Expressions promotes, in the current academic year, the "Musical Competition 2019", as part of the Annual Activity Plan of the Mafra School Group. This competition aims to motivate students at Escola Básica de Mafra, towards music, developing their vocal and/or instrumental skills.

All students at Escola Básica de Mafra can compete in the “Musical Competition 2019”, solo or in a group. Family members of the selection jury cannot compete. Registration is until 1pm on February 28, 2019 and can be done in the Music Education rooms with any Music Education or Music teacher.

Competing songs may or may not be original and must not exceed five minutes in length.

Competitors using instrumental audio support must submit a pen drive with the recording. The recording and lyrics of the song must be delivered to the Music Education or Music teachers at Escola Básica de Mafra by 1 pm on February 28, 2019.

All songs will be evaluated in a 1st phase (11th to 21st March 2019) by Musical Education and Music teachers from Escola Básica de Mafra, who will decide which ones will go on to the 2nd phase, for public presentation, at the Beatriz Costa Auditorium, April 26, 2019.

In the 2nd phase, the selection jury will consist of five members.

The jury will choose, from among all the songs admitted to the 2nd phase, those that, in their criteria, best fit the objectives of this competition and reflect the best vocal and instrumental quality, ordering them in a descending scale. Jury decisions are made by majority and cannot be appealed.

Prizes will be awarded to the first three classified.

Cases omitted from these Regulations will be resolved by the selection jury or by the Musical Education and Music teachers at Escola Básica de Mafra.


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